Notification of field activities of Belgrade Archaeological Institute on parcels owned by Rio Sava

September 25, 2024

According to the Enactment on conditions for taking measures of technical protection issued by Valjevo Institute for Monument Preservation that stipulate the measures of protection of the archaeological sites located inside the potential central mine area, in order to fulfill its legal obligation and help preserve Serbian cultural heritage, the company Rio Sava Exploration has signed an agreement with Belgrade Institute of Archaeology, who received all necessary permits from competent institutions for archeological exploration at Paulje location.

The aim of this exploration is to identify and map archeology on the location which is considered as wider area of Paulje archeological site, as well as to examine and analyze artifacts discovered during previous campaigns for purpose of presentation and public display of unearthed artefacts.

Belgrade Institute of Archaeology campaign is scheduled to last 60 days, entailing 30 days of field works conducted by the Institute’s experts team, such as drone area mapping, small trenching and physically examining artifacts that were unearthed during previous campaigns, while the remaining 30 days is reserved for off field analyses of the mapped results.

These works are in no way related to any continuation of the Jadar project and are part of the legal obligation that the company has as the owner of cadastral parcels where potential archeological artifacts in terms of movable findings and objects have been identified.