Public call for the award of grants as part of the support programme for development of Loznica and Krupanj

December 09, 2024

As part of the Sustainable Local Economic Development Programme Rio Sava Exploration launched in the territory of the Town of Loznica and the Municipality of Krupanj in 2022, public calls for the award of grants to support the development of entrepreneurship, rural tourism, old crafts and agriculture have been announced in December 2024. The objective of the Programme is to improve sustainable local economic development by creating new jobs, stimulating the development of entrepreneurship, improving the local tourism sector, and developing agriculture in Loznica and Krupanj.

This year’s public call aims to support entrepreneurs, micro-, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs), farmers, and also the development and empowerment of women and young people in business in Loznica and Krupanj through direct financial support in the form of grants.

The maximum grant amount per application is up to EUR 5,000 in RSD equivalent at the official middle exchange rate of the National Bank of Serbia on the disbursement day.

To implement these activities, Rio Sava Exploration has established lasting partnerships with Serbian consultancies and institutions including: Glenfield Training and Consulting LLC from Belgrade, Faculty of Agriculture from Novi Sad, Top Forma LLC from Loznica and Agricultural Advisory Service from Loznica.

So far, funding in the total amount exceeding EUR 875,000 has been provided for 77 local businesses and entrepreneurs, and for 100 local farmers from Loznica and Krupanj. In addition, businesses, entrepreneurs, and farmers were provided professional and technical assistance and support through a series of seminars, training events and courses, as well as through hands-on work and field mentoring.

For more information and details on participation in the competition, please visit the webpage Economic development of local community or the Jadar Project Information Centre at 4 Gimnazijska Street, Loznica, phone number +381 15 872 834.

Best of luck.