Rio Tinto’s Response on Alleged Calls for Violence on TV Nova and portal

August 19, 2024

Rio Tinto strongly condemns the allegations published on Nova TV in the news „Dnevnik Nove“ on August 18, 2024 and on August 19, 2024. on the portal in the article "A scientist is threatened with death after a text about lithium mining: "I receive messages in Serbian and German, mentioning the murder of my younger brother" in which the author implicitly states that „cruel messages, which he said were „new offensive of Rio Tinto“.“

Rio Tinto strongly condemns any direct or implied threats of violence, online or elsewhere, against those participating in the debate about the Jadar Project including Mr. Matković.

Rio Tinto strongly condemns false and baseless implied accusation that the company has incited violence or made threats against Mr. Matković. That is untrue and one of the many disinformation.

We strongly believe that everyone should be able to voice their opinion regardless if they support or oppose the project. Freedom to voice an opinion regardless if it is for or against the project is essential for the much needed, fact-based scientific and public debate.

The company has repeatedly called for a fact-based dialogue about the Jadar Project so it can be considered on its merits and not on the basis of the ongoing disinformation campaign against the project.

Rio Tinto employees and others that have remained neutral or have advocated for the Jadar Project have received death threats, been subject to online intimidation and abuse, and been accused of being traitors to Serbia. They have also faced direct threats to their families. The company has warned on multiple occasions that the reckless and repeated disinformation of the project lacking any supporting evidence have caused unjustifiable concern and intentionally misled the Serbian public.

We will continue to use all available legal means to protect our employees and the company’s reputation.