Rio Tinto’s response to incorrect information about the “Jadar” Project published on the N1 portal and TV Show Novi dan

June 18, 2024

As a guest on N1 television’s Novi Dan show, which was broadcast on June 18, professor of the Faculty of Economics, Danica Popović, made a series of baseless, inflammatory statements against the “Jadar” Project. Rio Tinto explicitly denies these allegations.

Danica Popović’s statements without evidence or scientific data is scaremongering, such as the statement about the sulfuric and nitrogen rains that will allegedly fall in Belgrade as a consequence of the Jadar project and which will make people sick.

It has been scientifically proven that the Jadar Project will not release sulfuric acid into the air, soil, or water. The process involving the use of sulfuric acid within the “Jadar” Project takes place at a low temperature (90°C), far below the boiling point of sulfuric acid. The project envisages the use of scrubber filters, whose basic function is to collect waste gases so that they are not released into the atmosphere. These filters work by collecting gases that rise in closed processing vessels and passing them through a liquid that removes all harmful substances from the air. The technology of these filters has been proven and widely used for more than 50 years for the collection and purification of waste industrial gases. This means that the process is carefully designed to prevent the release of sulfuric acid in any form.

In addition, Danica Popović deliberately ignores the information that has been published several times publicly that the Jadar project, if developed, will employ highly qualified labor. By declaring that "citizens of Serbia will mine lithium", Danica Popović directly suggests that these are low-level jobs, insults the mining profession and ignores modern achievements and innovations in mining, which require a highly educated workforce to manage and work in modern mines.

Danica Popović’s malicious statement in which she comments on draft studies on the impact on the environment of the “Jadar” Project and in which she suggests that the state ordered the studies and calls on 40 fellow professors from 10 faculties to hide their names is also baseless. The study preparation process is regulated by law and controlled by the competent ministry. This process includes a series of expert audits and public hearings. Also, in the published drafts of the studies, the names of the professors who were the heads of the studies are clearly stated. The names of all other scientists and professors who worked on the studies have not been published since they are draft studies. With this, we want to protect the experts who worked on the studies, from bullying, persecution, insults and threats to which all employees of the Rio Tinto company are exposed, as well as everyone who dares to publicly mention cooperation with the company, to which Professor Popović also contributes with her statements.

The company Rio Tinto strongly denies the journalist’s claim, without any evidence "that billions were invested in buying experts from the institute so they wouldn’t stand behind this project." We take the spread of false information and baseless accusations, especially those that insinuate corruption in any form, seriously and will use all available legal means to protect the company’s reputation.

As we have publicly stated on numerous occasions so far:

  • EIA studies are made in accordance with the legally defined process
  • According to the law every investor is legally bound to finance EIA studies
  • All scientists who have worked on the studies are independent and
  • The company has no influence on the selection of the scientists who have worked on the studies and cannot influence the content of the studies.