Rio Tinto’s response to inaccurate information published by Radar weekly

June 05, 2024

Radar Weekly, on 28 May 2024 in the Radar online portal, and on 30 May in the print issue, published an article titled “The Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture is threatened with removal because he protected Rio Tinto.” This article is misleading and makes unsubstantiated accusations against the company.

The article, contrary to what is stated in the title, does not try to explain to the readers how Rio Tinto is “protected” in this case, what it is “protected” from, nor why it would need anyone's protection.

Neither in this, nor in all the previous cases when Radar Weekly wrote about the Jadar Project, was Rio Tinto contacted to check the facts or given the opportunity to respond before publishing, which is standard practice by credible media outlets.

The article states that the name of the prof. Đorđević “was on the list of the participants of the study.” Prof. Aleksandar Đorđević did not participate and was not a signatory to the final Pedological Study commissioned by the Faculty of Agriculture in Belgrade for Rio Sava Exploration.

Rio Sava Exploration, as the company that commissioned the study, has no influence on the content of the study findings nor the choice of researchers who will be engaged.

Rio Tinto hereby requests the article to be corrected to reflect these facts.

We take the spread of false information and baseless accusations seriously and will use all available legal means to protect the company’s reputation.