Rio Tinto’s response to concealment of facts by the Radar Weekly

May 31, 2024

Radar Weekly, in the article titled "Reported activities of registered lobbyists are lobbying activities" published on May 31, 2024 on the online portal, once again deliberately misleads the public by twisting and hiding the facts.

Radar Weekly again misrepresents the European Transparency Register by stating that monitoring the topics listed in the register also means lobbying for them. Rio Tinto is not lobbying for Serbia EU accession, which we’ve previously stated.

Radar Weekly omitted the fact that the United Group, the parent company of United Media and Radar Weekly, is also registered in the EU transparency register and monitoring the topic "EU enlargement particularly in relation to the alignment of laws and regulations", which is evident by accessing the link

Based on Radar Weekly’s flawed logic, they could also be accused of lobbying for Serbia’s accession to the EU.

In accordance with the law, we demand that the weekly Radar publish the reaction of the company clearly stating that the United Group company is also registered in the EU transparency register for monitoring the topic "EU enlargement, especially in relation to the harmonization of laws and regulations".

We take the spread of false information and baseless accusations very seriously and will use all available legal means to protect the company’s reputation.