Rio Tinto’s reaction to the protest and attacks in front of the Omni Center in Valjevo

March 28, 2024

With regret, we note the alarming fact that today in Valjevo, during the organization of a public dialogue on the Jadar Project, individuals, through threats, intimidation, and attacks on representatives of Rio Tinto and the present citizens of Valjevo, have obstructed free dialogue and information exchange, under the pretext of expressing the free will of citizens opposing the Jadar Project.

Rio Tinto respects the right of Serbian citizens to protest peacefully in line with Serbian regulations. Today's activism during the Jadar Project presentation in Valjevo, however, demonstrates project opponents do not want fact-based dialogue. The activism is a continuation of inaccurate and unfounded accusations being made against the company.

Rio Tinto has publicly stated that we are continuing discussions with all interested parties to support a public conversation about the future of the Jadar Project. Presentations about the Jadar Project are intended for all interested Serbian people.

The number of citizens attending these events also depends on the capacity of the location where the presentations are held. Based on the presentations held so far in different parts of Serbia, the number varies between 20 and 150 citizens. To date, we have presented face-to-face to more than 3,000 Loznica community members alone.

We are available to talk openly with all interested parties in Serbia so that they fully understand the project, the environmental protection measures, and the benefits it could bring. This dialogue is possible only with those who want to have a fact-based discussion. The debate on project is in everyone's interest. Everything else is just an attempt to generate negative media attention.

For all additional information please contact us at [email protected].