Rio Tinto responds to inaccurate claims made N1 portal article titled “Opposition on the Lithium Mine: Between Crimes, Devastation, and Health Destruction.”

January 31, 2024

The N1 portal published an article this morning titled “Opposition on the Lithium Mine: Between Crimes, Devastation, and Health Destruction,” which featured opposition parties as interviewees, allegedly invited by the N1 editorial team, to comment on the opening of a lithium mine in the Jadar Valley.

By concluding in the introduction of the article that “judging by the reactions of opposition parliamentary parties, the opening of a lithium mine in the fertile and water-rich region of western Serbia is not an acceptable option,” the N1 portal uncritically, without involving experts from various fields, directly leads a campaign based on falsehoods and disinformation.

Today, Rio Sava Exploration is inviting experts from various fields and opponents of the Jadar Project to engage in an open dialogue based on facts to avoid further misleading the public. The spread of misinformation and unsubstantiated claims prevents a public discourse on the project, which if built will be operating for decades, from being based on facts and providing valid information.

The claim by the People's Movement, the Democratic Party, the Green-Left Front, and the Democratic Party that lithium mining would only bring profit to foreign companies and devastation to the citizens of Serbia, and that the company would not adhere to all environmental standards, is untrue.

The Jadar Project would be the largest greenfield investment in modern Serbian history, worth approximately $2.5 billion. The project's contribution to the national and local government budgets would amount to 180 million euros annually at full operational capacity. It would create 1,300 permanent jobs, with up to 3,500 temporary jobs during construction. When considering multiplier effects, an additional 3,265 jobs would be created across Serbia. Each year of operation would attract around 700 million euros in direct added value and contribute to GDP growth by over 3% of Serbia's current GDP. Regarding compliance with environmental standards, all work is conducted in accordance with the Law on Mining and Geological Research.

Speculations about corruption by Branimir Jovančićević, Vice President of the Democratic Party, are a direct attempt to damage Rio Tinto’s reputation.

The sulfuric acid mentioned by the Vice President of the Democratic Party and the New Democratic Party has wide-ranging applications, and its use is strictly regulated by the Government of the Republic of Serbia and international best practices. For the Jadar Project, sulfuric acid will be used at a temperature of 90 degrees, preventing sulfur dioxide emissions. It will not be possible for sulfuric acid to damage the soil, as the entire process will take place in closed systems.

Rio Tinto respects the right of Serbian citizens to peaceful protest announced by the "We, the Voice of the People" movement, expresses readiness to continue dialogue with all interested parties, and supports initiatives for public discussion on the future of the Jadar Project.

The claim that there is no environmentally acceptable and safe way to exploit lithium is unsubstantiated. Lithium exploitation is a complex process, but there is technology and practice that can minimize its harmful environmental impacts. Rio Tinto applies best practices and technologies to reduce its environmental impact.

Rio Tinto expresses readiness to continue dialogue with all interested parties and supports initiatives for public discussion on the future of the Jadar Project, based solely on facts.