Response to “Between the Lines” Television Una, interview with Nenad Kostić

January 29, 2024

In the program “Between the Lines”, Television Una, on Sunday 28 January 2024, Nenad Kostić made several false and unsubstantiated claims about the Jadar Project that Rio Sava disputes and is seeking to correct.

Mr. Kostić falsely claims that Rio Sava drilled hundreds of thousands of holes in the Jadar Valley related to the Jadar Project. He alleged geologists entered the owner's plots without permission and were evicted. Until the cancellation of the Jadar Project, Rio Sava drilled slightly over 500 exploratory holes. All work was undertaken in compliance with the Law on Mining and Geological Surveys. Access rights to the exploration sites were established for each activity in consent with property owners.

Data about the impact on the condition of water and soil, as well as observation wells, called piezometers, are publicly available on the company’s website.

Claims by Mr Kostic that tailings spills could occur are again false. The mining and residue waste from the proposed Jadar Project are dry, and in solid form. No liquid tailings pond is planned.

Sulfuric acid is widely used in Serbia and strictly regulated. For the Jadar Project, sulfuric acid will be used at a temperature of 90 degrees, preventing evaporation of sulfur dioxide. It would not be possible for sulfuric acid to burn the soil as stated by Mr Kostic because the entire process would take place in enclosed processing systems.

Unfounded claims directly impact the opportunity to realise the economic benefits of the Jadar Project. We appeal to all participants to discuss the Jadar Project based on facts.