About the Company

The materials we produce are essential for the energy transition and a sustainable, greener future.

The materials we produce are essential for the energy transition and a sustainable, greener future.

As pioneers in the field of mining, we produce materials that are essential for modern society. Aluminium for lightweight cars. Copper to help things work more efficiently – from renewables to the power in your home. Iron ore for the steel in our electricity infrastructure. Lithium for electric vehicles and battery storage. And many of the materials we provide are used to make the things in everyday life too: like borates that help crops grow and titanium for paint.

We work in 35 countries around the world – in mines, smelters and refineries, as well as in sales offices, data centres, research and development laboratories and with artificial intelligence. Our geologists explore the Earth’s wildest terrain. Our wildlife specialists work to protect and conserve grizzly bears in Canada and migratory shorebirds in Western Australia. Our marketing teams make sure our essential materials meet the specific needs of customers around the world. And we are home to one of the world’s largest robots and maybe one of the smallest – we call him Mark.

The transition to a low carbon world offers a unique opportunity for us to grow, and to play an important role in tackling this global challenge. We know we have a major carbon footprint, significant scope 1 and 2 emissions and material indirect scope 3 emissions. We must switch to renewables at scale, electrify everything we can electrify, work across our entire value chain and accelerate the development of new technology.

We were founded in 1873, on the banks of the Rio Tinto river in Andalusia, Spain. We are proud of everything we have achieved. At Rio Tinto, we know our future is even brighter than our past.

The values we champion – care, courage and curiosity – shape the way we do business and treat each other.

Care: for people, for the communities in which we operate and for our environment

We act with care by prioritising the physical and emotional safety and wellbeing of those around us. We respect others, build trusting relationships and consider the impact of our actions. We look for ways to contribute to a better future for our people, communities and the planet.

Courage: to try new things, speak up and do what is right

We act with courage by showing integrity, speaking up when something is not right and taking decisive action when needed. We are not afraid to try new things. We respond positively in difficult situations and demonstrate commitment to achieving shared goals.

Curiosity: to collaborate, learn and innovate

We act with curiosity by inviting diverse ideas and collaborating to achieve more together than can be done alone. We are continuously learning, creatively looking for better and safer ways of doing things. We draw inspiration from others and the world around us.

Business strategy

Our portfolio includes iron ore, copper, aluminium, lithium and other materials needed for everyday life, and for the world to cut carbon emissions to net zero. We have been mining for 150 years, and we continue to build on a history and knowledge that span generations and continents.

Climate change is at the heart of our business strategy. In 2021, we set new goals for our business strategy, which include three areas:

  • accelerating decarbonisation, the transition to renewable energy sources, electrification of processing and use of electric rolling stock;
  • prioritising capital for the growth and development of products that are essential to achieving net-zero emissions and striving to achieve further growth in the production of copper, battery materials and high-quality iron ore;
  • increasing investment in research and development to accelerate the development of products that will enable our customers to decarbonise faster.

To achieve this, we will work closely with governments, customers, communities, universities, and other partners.

What kind of work do we do?

  • Research and assessment

    We use some of the most advanced exploration technologies in the world to find new mineral deposits. We consider and evaluate new opportunities with an understanding of the needs of our customers and local communities. We are also aware of the potential impacts that our business activities can have on society and the environment, with diversity and balance at the core of our portfolio.

  • Development and innovation

    We carefully consider every potential business opportunity, and we are especially committed to assessing potential risks, well-being, long-term values and sustainability. When we approve an investment, we plan and prepare all activities, taking into account the feedback we receive from the most impacted stakeholders . Our goal is to develop optimal, long-term productivity while minimising risks. We partner with a growing number of stakeholders – governments, local communities, customers and suppliers – to expand our horizons, understanding and capabilities so that we can benefit all parties involved.

  • Mining and processing

    Safety comes first. The use of cutting-edge technologies plays an increasingly important role in the way we achieve our long-term business goals while always prioritising safety. Having ensured a safe working environment, we seek ways for the local economy to benefit from new economic opportunities—this could include jobs, the collection of taxes and royalties, contracts with local businesses, and investments in society and local communities. We also support the economic diversification of the areas where we operate, in accordance with national and local government plans, enabling communities to develop in the long term, even after the closure of our business activities. We have an ambition to achieve net zero carbon emissions in all business activities by 2050. By understanding and respecting the needs of our business partners, employees, and local communities and by caring for the environment, we can create sustainable value for all stakeholders.

  • Product marketing and delivery of products

    Our products are essential for the transition to a low-carbon future, with a wide range of applications – from smartphones, to electric cars and wind turbines. Our commercial business team ensures that our products meet the needs of the market and customers. Meanwhile, our distribution network (railways, ports and ships) allows us to manage logistics from the first to the last step in order to deliver our products safely, efficiently and reliably.

  • Closure and remediation

    We’re committed to restoring and rehabilitating the sites where we operate so that we leave behind a positive legacy. Plans for rehabilitation are built in right from the start into our initial project concepts – before they’ve even begun. We engage local residents, government, employees, and host communities to develop closure plans. The closure plan may involve land remediation, such as the gradual conversion of the area into a nature reserve, or land diversion for the development of light industry. For all of our sites, there are land remediation plans that we revise once a year. This long-term approach is essential to running a safe, responsible, and successful business.


In 2018, we launched and began to implement our integrated sustainability strategy. The strategy commits us to applying the highest possible sustainability standards, often going beyond those prescribed by law, in a manner that is crucial for our business, employees, host communities, and customers of our products. Our goal is to achieve high environmental and social standards in all our business activities and to better acquaint stakeholders with our ways of working through open communication and transparent business operations. We make efforts to better understand our key stakeholders, establishing collaborative partnerships to create sustainable, reciprocal and long-lasting well-being. We support the 2030 Global Development Agenda and contribute to the UN Sustainable Development Goals..

We demonstrate this strategy by:

  1. conducting safe and responsible business operations;
  2. collaborating to achieve long-term benefits wherever we operate;
  3. producing materials that are essential for the development of modern society;
  4. playing our part in helping to address society’s biggest challenges.

Our business in Serbia

Rio Sava Exploration d.o.o.

In 2001, the Rio Tinto Group established the company Rio Sava Exploration d.o.o., a subsidiary company founded and incorporated in Serbia to conduct geological exploration activities. As soon as December 2004, a new mineral, rich in lithium and boron, was found in the Jadar River Valley near Loznica, in Western Serbia, as a result of geological research. The discovery of this unique mineral is credited to a team of domestic and foreign geologists, which in 2006 led to the registration of a completely new mineral called jadarite, which was named after the valley of the river in which it was found. Currently, Serbia is the only place in the world where jadarite has been found, and since its discovery until now, Rio Sava Exploration d.o.o. has been a company in charge of the development of the Project in Serbia. For more information about the Jadar Project, please visit the About the Project page.

Rio Tinto Exploration Dunav d.o.o.

In April 2018, the Rio Tinto Group founded Rio Tinto Exploration Dunav d.o.o., the company established to conduct mineral exploration. The previously registered company Rio Sava Exploration deals exclusively with the development of the Jadar deposit.

Currently, Rio Tinto Exploration Dunav d.o.o. does not have permits for mineral exploration in Serbia, and accordingly we do not conduct activities in the field. However, we are considering all potential opportunities for copper exploration surveys both in Serbia and in the wider region.

Rio Tinto is also a non-operating partner with Zijin Mining in mineral exploration activities in certain areas in Eastern Serbia.

If you would like additional information about the activities of Rio Tinto Exploration Dunav d.o.o., please contact us by e-mail, or send us an inquiry by mail to the following address.

Rio Tinto Exploration Dunav d.o.o.
Bulevar Milutina Milankovića 1i, 5th floor
11070 Novi Beograd

E-mail: [email protected], [email protected]

Human rights

Our commitment to human rights is core to our values. It is fundamentally about treating people with dignity and respect – our employees and contractors, workers in our value chain, communities where we live and work and others affected by our activities and business relationships. We believe respect for human rights starts with our everyday actions.

Respecting human rights relies on good governance, knowing our potential impacts, empowering and enabling our people, and working with others to help avoid adverse human rights impacts from occurring in the first place.

We take our commitment to human rights seriously – from governance of our human rights approach, which is overseen by the Board Sustainability Committee, to processes like pre-screening suppliers and providing human rights training to key employees.

Our approach to respecting human rights

We know we can affect human rights everywhere we work and beyond our operations. We also know that what we do in one location may affect people’s trust in how we will respect human rights elsewhere.

We are committed to respecting internationally recognised human rights as set out in the United Nations Universal Declaration on Human Rights and implementing the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs).

We voluntarily uphold a range of other international standards including the Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights (VPSHR), the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises (OECD Guidelines), the Maritime Labour Convention (MLC), the International Finance Corporation’s Environmental and Social Performance Standards, the International Council on Mining and Metals Mining Principles and the UN Global Compact’s 10 Principles.

Consistent with the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, we are committed to acknowledging and respecting Indigenous peoples’ connections to lands and waters and strengthening the application of the principles of Free, Prior and Informed Consent of affected Indigenous communities in line with the International Council on Mining and Metals Position Statement on Indigenous Peoples and Mining.

At a minimum, we comply with national laws, applying our own standards when they are more rigorous. When national laws conflict with our standards, we look for ways to encourage the adoption of international standards, including through multi-stakeholder dialogue. We may also reconsider whether we can operate in such locations.

We recognise the importance of acting on any involvement we might have in human rights harm through our business relationships, consistent with the UNGPs. We look for ways to work with our business partners to advance respect for human rights in line with international standards and our values. At our non-managed operations, this may include sharing best practice on complaints handling, discussing human rights issues at joint management meetings and making our experts available to support the capacity of operational employees.